
Contact Yushu Takeshu

You can contact Yuchu Yushu by telephone or email form.
Please feel free to contact us for inquiries about Kenting and business inquiries.
If you are calling, please call the following number during reception hours.

Contact us by phone



Reception hours / weekdays from 9:00 to 19:00

Inquiries by email

If you would like to contact us by e-mail, please use the following “Inquiry Mail Form”.
Please be aware that email confirmation from the “Inquiry Email Form” may be after the next business day
Thank you for your understanding beforehand.
Please call us in case of emergency. ( * is a required field)

Please check the input contents and click the “Send” button.

Name *
Email address *
Email address (for confirmation) *
Phone number *
Zip code
Contact us *